Verb Noun Enter

(See also: Introducing Songpocket 2)

Songpocket 1 repeated some info across album and song lists.

I changed that in Songpocket 2. Now…


Songpocket 2 is an immersive viewer for your Apple Music library.

It has two key features:

  1. Crates, which let you freely arrange your library

  2. Tangible albums, which make albums feel physical

With these features together, browsing your music feels stunningly intimate. It’s personal and focused. Here’s why.


My favorite font is Verdana, because it’s aggressively readable.

Some of its notable traits:


I have a new writing style: word golf.

Why? Skimmability—I respect your time.

(Also, it’s nice on small screens.)

I started enjoying this on Mastodon (say hi!), even though that’s technically character golf. But I find that fewer words skims better—less visual jumping.

Here’s an example.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good-enough.

My rewrite?

Sometimes, imperfect is okay.

Nicer, huh?

Am I overthinking it? Always.

But does it add up? Probably.

And is it fun? Yah.

Don’t talk this way—but do perhaps write this way. Always optimize for your medium.

Yup, I’m always overoptimizing something. Perfectionist here.

But worse than overoptimizing? Being unsure what to optimize.

Hence why I’ve blogged so rarely. Should I optimize detail? Accuracy? Interestingness? Now, I’m prioritizing skimmability.

Yes, the order of your priorities matters, and no, I’m not sure here. But hell, editing time matters too.

Anyway, now that I know what to overoptimize, I’ll be blogging more. Stay tuned.

(This post: 167 words)

(I recommend reading Waiting to ask for permission first.)

Neil Sardesai drew Songpocket’s icon. Thanks, Neil!

I’m about to brag extensively about how great this icon is. Blame Neil.


(I recommend reading Introducing Songpocket first.)

One of my favorite features of Songpocket is something it doesn’t do: immediately demand access to your Music library the first time you open it.


Have you ever kept a physical music collection? It has this neat feature called “you can organize it however you want.”

But now, think about your digital music collection. It’s locked in place by the automatic grouping and sorting in your music app.


The other day, I had a moment that reminded me why I love UI design.

I was editing some metadata in Apple Music on my Mac: things like fixing the artist and composer, and the punctuation, like replacing straight quotes with curly quotes, and triple periods with proper ellipses. I appreciate those details.

In short, Apple Music is unusably glitchy. I was fighting a new bug almost every five seconds. Apple should be ashamed of this level of carelessness.

So I switched to Meta, which is a third-party metadata editor that I’d previously picked out and bought, but still hadn’t explored completely.


Five hundred years ago, the Korean writing system was specifically designed to be easy to learn. Similar sounds are written with similar characters, and related with consistent patterns. Some characters are actually pictures of the way your mouth pronounces them. Seriously, check out this video:

Xidnaf – World’s Easiest Writing System: Origin of Hangul

Many years later, the Korean keyboard layout seems to have been designed according to the same philosophy.